Blog Viva Las Vegas: Magebit Takes on Adobe Summit and Expands Connections

Magebit, Featured | Apr 24, 2023

Viva Las Vegas: Magebit Takes on Adobe Summit and Expands Connections

Julia Abbasova

As the first quarter of 2023 drew to a close, the Magebit team experienced a thrilling adventure in the electrifying city of Las Vegas, USA.

Spanning March 18th to 28th, our intrepid Magebit business squad dove headfirst into the Adobe Summit, forging valuable new connections, gaining insights into Adobe's groundbreaking products, and reinforcing ties with existing clients.

The team in Las Vegas

Magebit's charismatic Managing Director, Kristaps Rjabovs, joined forces with the savvy business development duo, Kārlis Stīpnieks and Anete Andruškevica, to represent the company in style. On the journey, they had the pleasure of reconnecting with one of our new clients, whom we initially met at the memorable Meet Magento New York event in September 2022.

This time we set out to conquer the Adobe Summit and the dazzling streets of Las Vegas together.

Adobe Summit: a powerhouse of learning and networking

The Adobe Summit, an esteemed digital experience event taking place from March 21st to 23rd, provided the perfect stage for the Magebit team to make a splash. This prestigious conference offered invaluable opportunities to forge new client relationships, broaden our professional network, and dive deeper into the cutting-edge innovations Adobe has to offer.

The atmosphere was electric, as the team actively participated in nightly networking events, ranging from exciting bowling matches to relaxing drinks with industry peers. The trip proved fruitful as our business expanders established valuable connections with potential partners and leads.

Discovering Vegas – a captivating fusion of entertainment and adventure

Amidst the bustling conference sessions, our team delved into the mesmerizing wonders of Vegas. They reveled in the city's iconic themed hotels, from the Parisian Eiffel Tower and New York-inspired landscapes to the enchanting gondolas and canals of Venice.

The Adobe Summit proved equally enthralling in terms of entertainment. Our spirited eCommerce ensemble attended an electrifying concert featuring the talents of Macklemore and Rev Run, leaving them invigorated and inspired. Additionally, they ventured into historic Old Las Vegas and the legendary Neon Museum, home to the city's most emblematic signs.

A gastronomic and picturesque odyssey

After all, we're only human. Kristaps, Kārlis, and Anete savored the city's delectable culinary offerings, relishing an all-you-can-eat crab and lobster feast that left them yearning for more. The Magebit team also embarked on a nostalgic excursion to the famed wedding chapels and Pawn Shop, popularized by the hit MTV series.

The crowning moment of their adventure was an unforgettable road trip through the desert to the majestic Grand Canyon. Despite the 900 km trek's rough and demanding nature, the reward was priceless as our colleagues stood in awe before one of the planet's most stunning natural wonders.

Capitalizing on opportunities: the Magebit way

This unforgettable business trip not only enabled Magebit to expand its network and gain valuable industry insights, but also allowed our team to bond and create lasting memories together. The spirit of excitement and adventure was palpable throughout the time in Las Vegas, reflecting Magebit's agility and dynamic approach to work.

As Magebit persistently grows and adapts, we eagerly look forward to more chances to learn, connect, and traverse the globe. We'll channel the enthusiasm and vigor from our Las Vegas expedition as we relentlessly pursue excellence and ingenuity in the eCommerce realm.

Magebit is a full service eCommerce agency specialized in Magento. At Magebit we create the wonders of eCommerce and support small sites as well as large enterprises.

You can contact us at or through the contact us page.

Julia Abbasova
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